"If it comes, then meet it. If it leaves, then send it away"
The nature of our practice is, in some ways, a reflection of the present moment. During daily training, we are confronted with the familiar (techniques, bowing, etc.) intermingling with the uncertain (mood, energy level, differing partners, etc.). Similarly, during this public health crisis, we all are trying to find a routine in the midst of great uncertainty. While it is often our preference to meet challenges head on (irimi /entering), sometimes the appropriate response may be to pivot (tenkan). Both the dojo and the world need to tenkan right now. It is a necessary action to deal with what is happening around us. Hopefully our training has prepared us for this.
However, that doesn’t mean we need to lose our connection to each other. While this is an art that is both based on and requires person-to-person contact, we will do our best to create some conditions that allow us to continue our practice. We plan on sharing some material with you during the closure to help keep the thread of training, even though we can’t physically step on the mat together. The material we share will be of two varieties: exercises/routines to keep up your physical practice, and articles/documents regarding the history of the art we practice and the teachers in our lineage. We also humbly ask for your patience as we prepare this material; we have never had to present the art this way before! Hopefully what we provide is helpful to you.
As always, we really want to hear from all of you during this time. Please let us know how you are doing, and if there is anything you need we will help you in any way we can. We have already heard from some of you, and we are deeply grateful for your support. This is not a time for passivity or fear, but a time to be open and caring for each other.
You will hear from us soon, and we hope to hear from you as well.
Stay vigilant,
Enmei & Chris
If it comes, then meet it, if it leaves, then send it away.
If it resists, then harmonize it.
5 and 5 are 10.
2 and 8 are 10.
1 and 9 are 10.
You should harmonize like this.
Intuit true and false, know what is hidden,
The large suppresses all, the small enters the microscopic.
There are chances for life and death, without reacting to changes.
Approach things without moving your heart (without being disturbed)
-attributed to Kiichi Hogen , a legendary figure in Japan from the 1100s