Logan Square Aikido

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Solitude: A Reflection

Just as with compost, decay can also serve as fuel for new life.

Today marks exactly one month since we were all last practicing together in person. It is sometimes odd to think how different some things can become in a month. It has been frustrating, though illuminating, to adapt collectively to circumstances we have absolutely no power to change.

As we all have had to deal with living in a much more confined manner than usual, we would like each of you to create a piece reflecting on : Solitude

This can be an essay, poem, painting, etc.; the only restriction is that it must be something that can be reproduced on paper. We will ultimately compile all of your thoughts and feelings on this experience in the form of a printed journal. You are free to use your piece as a way to explore insights you may have gained, or simply as a catharsis for your frustration; the idea is to capture yourself as honestly as you can.

Though we would love to hear from each of you, this exercise is completely voluntary. If you do choose to make a submission, we would ask that you do so on or around April 30th.

In other news, as we talked about during our virtual meeting last Friday, we have drafted the procedures on how we plan to reopen the dojo when we are able. If you were not present at the meeting or would like to review what was discussed, you may view the plan here. As with everything of late, this plan is subject to change as the circumstances develop.