Dojo Cooking

The first set of videos on preparing dojo-related foods have now been published. While this is a less than ideal format in which to share this knowledge with you, at the moment this is the best we’ve got! Please feel free to ask questions in the comments, chat, or during our Friday night video meeting. This will hopefully form the basis for our eventual in-person class.

The first videos that have been published feature an overview of the basic philosophy and ingredients, preparing dashi, and cooking a simple miso soup.

Dojo Cooking Video Playlist

UPDATE: Miso is perishable and is typically found in refrigerated sections of grocery stores. Here is an example of one that I use regularly; correct miso will usually have six ingredients or less (often it is only around 3.)

The recipe below is for a basic miso soup. The dashi recipe will be linked separately for ease of reading. The video and written recipe are best used in tandem.


(serves 2-3)

3 cups dashi
around 3 tbs miso
2-4 green onions, chopped and separated
1/2 block tofu, diced


Begin by heating the dashi over medium-low heat. When small bubbles begin to form, add tofu. Simmer tofu on medium heat for 2-3 minutes, taking care not to let the water boil too rapidly. Add the white parts of green onion and simmer for an additional 2-3 minutes.

Lower the heat to low and incorporate the miso (see video for methods), and remove from heat once all the miso is blended into the broth. Prepare your serving bowl with the green parts of the green onion and ladle the soup over them directly into the bowl.

Serve immediately.