
As we described in our plan a few weeks ago, we have been monitoring the situation closely and have decided that we can safely begin the process of waking the dojo up. Considering how quickly things can change, if you haven’t already, please sign up for our member text chain; we want to be able to update everyone in real time as much as possible.

Below please find the outline of our next steps:

Dojo Cleaning

  • We will begin by asking for volunteers to help in a thorough cleaning of the dojo. While it has been seven weeks since anyone has been in the dojo (aside from the two of us), we would like to do several days of cleaning, both to give many of you the chance to help and also to give the dojo a fresh start. Please find the details on the sign up page:


  • Currently our plan is to resume limited zazen in the dojo beginning on Tuesday, May 12th. This will be conducted under the following conditions:

    • Limit of six students per timeslot; RSVP required

    • Students must arrive at the dojo wearing a mask (per State guidelines) and wearing the clothes in which you plan to sit. This will eliminate the need to crowd in the changing rooms.

    • Cushions will be spaced six feet apart

    • The virtual schedule will be updated to reflect the in-person times for zazen and RSVP


Livestream Schedule Updates:

  • During the week of May 4th, there will only be a 5:30 pm evening class for 30 minutes. Please see the virtual schedule page for details.

  • Beginning the week of May 11th, all livestreamed noon classes will no longer be held. All other virtual classes will continue.

  • All scheduled individual meetings will be held as planned.


Beyond the week of May 11th, our hope is to find opportunities for outdoor practice, but given how quickly the situation can change, we are going to wait before making any official plans at this time.

It is hard to express our gratitude to all of you for your continued support. Keeping in contact with each and every one of you has helped sustain us throughout this period. You all constantly show us how amazing the people are that make up the fabric of Logan Square Aikido. When we began the project of starting our dojo, we wanted to ensure that our community would be as strong as the training we do on the mat. You have not let us down.

We are extremely proud to know you and have you as members of our dojo.

Let’s keep going!

Enmei & Chris